URH Hotels


URH Hoteliers is decisively committed to the law and to ethical and upstanding conduct, and accordingly enjoys an excellent reputation among its customers, suppliers, business partners, public administration and its social environment.

Our Code of Conduct requires all employees and associates to act in accordance with the highest ethical values and the spirit and letter of the law, prioritising moral and proper actions over any other consideration.

We require the same of our suppliers, who must also comply with and abide by the law; they are therefore required to share our ethical principles and abide by our Suppliers’ Code of Ethics.

URH Hoteliers has implemented all the necessary protocols to ensure exemplary business conduct, by creating the necessary oversight systems for effective compliance with the law.

Respect, appreciation of the value of diversity, dignified and sensitive treatment as the fundamental planks of coexistence drive both our teamwork and our success.

URH Hoteliers is also aware of the role it plays in shaping the society in which it operates. This interdependency is therefore a factor it keeps to the forefront when managing the resources it employs and the social expectations it meets, assuming its social responsibility across all its activities in application of the principle of transparency.

These principles form the basis for generating value, taken in its broadest and long-lasting sense: value for customers, suppliers, shareholders, employees and for society in general.

Only by doing so can we generate the trust our environment places in us, which lays the foundation for our reputation and guarantees our long-term future.